Microsoft office standard 2007 configuration did not complete successfully free. Want to repair Microsoft Office Professional 2007 but I get an error message

Microsoft office standard 2007 configuration did not complete successfully free. Want to repair Microsoft Office Professional 2007 but I get an error message

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Want to repair Microsoft Office Professional but I get an error - Microsoft Community.


Is there some way to get this configuration to take and not have to run when I open the program? It is quite annoying as well as slows productivity. Was this reply helpful? Yes No. Sorry this didn't help. Thanks for your feedback. I tried several different suggestions but nothing seemed to help until I started clicking on the cancel button in the configuration box which of course led to verifications of the cancel request.

After doing this about 3 times, the Word and Excel programs started normally and are working correctly. I tried it several times, both through the Control Panel and from my installation disk. It comes up the same way each time. How can I make it work? This thread is locked. You can follow the question or vote as helpful, but you cannot reply to this thread. I have the same question System event logs show mysterious-looking warnings about inability to find component files with long indecipherable numbers.

This thread is locked. You can follow the question or vote as helpful, but you cannot reply to this thread. I have the same question 2. Report abuse.

Details required :. Cancel Submit. Are programs and Users on C: or have you redirected to another drive? An example of System Event log errors would be? How satisfied are you with this reply? Thanks for your feedback, it helps us improve the site.

In reply to Palcouk's post on June 20, There's only the one drive. I can only report what the "properties" dialog claims, as well as the dir command from the command window, in terms of space available. I suppose it is light - there are very few user data files, it's almost all just apps installed on the machine.

Plus Office, of course. The TaskManager doesn't show any significant memory usage - the top memory-using program is iexplorer weighing in at a measly 64m or so. Microsoft cannot guarantee that you can solve problems that result from using Registry Editor incorrectly. Use Registry Editor at your own risk. Note: The steps in the link also applies to Windows 8 OS. Click Start , go to Programs, go to Accessories , click Run , copy each line one at a time and hit enter. You need to accept the changes for the registry, click OK.

Was this reply helpful? Yes No. Sorry this didn't help. Thanks for your feedback. However, you only need that solution if you are running multiple versions of Office on the same machine. If you are running a single version, the registry hack does not apply.

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Microsoft office standard 2007 configuration did not complete successfully free.International Conferences


Remove the corrupt Office installation traces using the required Fix-it available here. If you are unable to run the fix-it to uninstall Office, follow the steps given here to manually remove Office from the computer. Was this reply helpful? Yes No. Sorry this didn't help. Thanks for your feedback. Choose where you приведенная ссылка to search below Search Search the Community. Search the community and support articles Install, redeem, activate Microsoft and Office Search Community member.

I'm trying to repair Microsoft Office Professional It said Repairing Microsoft Office Professional along with a progress bar for a while, then Microsoft Office Professional configuration did not complete successfully. I tried it several times, microsoft office standard 2007 configuration did not complete successfully free through the Control Panel and from my installation disk. It comes up the same way each time. How can Frew make it work? This thread is locked. You can follow the question or vote as helpful, but you cannot reply to offfice thread.

I have the same question Report abuse. Details required :. Посмотреть больше Submit. John E Fredricks. Note: read the disclaimer before using registry editor on Windows. Post removal, restart the computer and try to install Office using the disc. How satisfied are you with this reply? Thanks for your feedback, it helps us improve the site. This site перейти other languages x.



Microsoft office standard 2007 configuration did not complete successfully free -


December 4th, 1 0. Microsoft Scripting Guy, Ed Wilson, is here. David is a super nice person, and he took the time to show us around his lovely city. Anyway, we feel really blessed to have had the opportunity to spend the day with such an interesting person.

And this brings our three-week tour to a close in just a few hours. We have some time in the Frankfurt airport before our flights. This is a good thing because the Frankfurt airport has lots of things to do and to see. It is like a shopping mall with airplanes attached to it. With no further ado, here is Klaus.

By living in a networked world, with Internet access everywhere, information retrieval is often a snap. Right, everything has changed, but behind the nice-colored icons, most of the information retrieval is still relying on some old-fashioned techniques—called databases.

At the company I work for we definitely know that at least this will not change in the next couple of years. In fact, it is crucial to get at some database information, even in scripts, to retrieve information regarding the current workflow, the status of individual tasks, and error messages indicating a flaw in the workflow.

NET, we are in a comfortable situation that let us query a database on the fly to get the required piece of information necessary for further processing.

Unlike Cmd. NET and the System. Data namespace to query databases. Even for our Oracle databases, the. OracleClient, which has been part of the. NET Framework ever since but now it has been marked as deprecated and will no longer be supported in future Framework versions starting with. NET Framework 4. NET has been around for some years, too. But we always used the Microsoft provider because it has been part of the Framework anyway and it worked fine out of the box. But, nowadays, as most companies are migrating to bit systems, another level of complexity has been added to the provider choice: You have to pay attention to the combination of installed Oracle clients and data providers on the machines your company is running because the Microsoft and the Oracle provider rely and cooperate with an installed Oracle client version on each workstation and this can be a bit or a bit client.

Note You can walk through this article using the unmanaged Oracle. And if you use the Microsoft System. OracleClient you will also be able to follow me with very little effort! Even if you use another RDBMS, chances are that you can easily build an analogue scenario for your database.

NET 2, Database Extensions for. Everything can be installed via the Oracle Universal installer, which is part of the pack, too. NET should be your first choice. Also, be aware that the standard Oracle Client may be a large piece of software! Depending on the functionality needed, you may have to dedicate over MB on each workstation.

The Instant Client is an improvement, which reduces the size of the client to about MB as there are only a couple of binaries DLL delivered in this package, which can be copied to each workstation without the need of any further Setup.

However, it only contains the most basic functionality where additional add-ons might be needed. A major problem is that depending on your software mix, it might be necessary to install the bit and the bit versions of the client, which is a challenge on its own, if you have to make both versions available on one machine. Another option that offers. NET and is available in a and bit versions. This was the way I preferred to query our database up to now. A couple of weeks ago, Oracle released the public beta of an ODP.

NET version that makes life much easier now. NET is available for download at the Oracle. Net Developer center. When the download is complete, just unzip the file ODP. Of course, it will be reasonable to have access to an Oracle database server 10g R2 or higher , too.

First, import this library. The next step is to create a connection to the database. Here you need to supply credentials to access the database and schema as well as a host and service name. State : Closed. ClientId :. Database :. HostName :. Site :. State : Open. HostName : wdo And the StatementCacheSize has been updated to a value reported by the server, too. We can never rely on a successful connect. Connecting is fine, but you usually want to do something else—like querying the database for some results!

AddRowid : False. BindByName : False. CommandText :. CommandType : Text. Connection : Oracle. Transaction :. FetchSize : RowSize : 0. Notification :. Container :. The CommandType is Text by default meaning that you will be able to directly supply a select command. CommandText will be the property where the text of the select command will be stored:. There is just one piece missing: How do you execute the command? You need a reader object to read the result set returned from the database.

We received an impressing sign of life from our database! I love to enclose the whole query string in a so-called Windows Powershell here-string , which lets me keep the original formatting of the SQL Server statement even if it spans several rows!

Just exchanging the previous select statement with the new statement results in the following:. What happened here? As our database has a well-elaborated type system, it refuses to convert the intCount value 1 implicitly to a string that is the type of data required to execute the statement:. It says: GetString , not GetInteger , or something else more appropriate! By using Windows Powershell 3.

This is a great help if you are exploring non-Microsoft objects, and it accelerates typing and helps avoid typos, too. It worked! If you prefer to scroll down, you may find some more Oracle-specific GetOracle -functions in the box:. It worked somehow, but we get more information than expected and needed.

The expected result is represented by the value property. True True OracleDecimal System. TypeName: Oracle. Name MemberType Definition. Object obj , int IComparable. CompareTo System.

Object obj. Equals Method bool Equals System. GetSchema Method System. XmlSchema IXmlSerializable. GetType Method type GetType. ReadXml System. XmlReader reader.

ToByte Method byte ToByte. ToDouble Method double ToDouble. ToInt16 Method int16 ToInt


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